Treadwell Farm Historic District Association
Treadwell Farm Historic District is a small historic district located on parts of East 61st and East 62nd Street between Second and Third Avenues, in the Upper East Side neighborhood of the borough of Manhattan in New York City.
The mission of the Treadwell Farm Historic District Association is to preserve and promote the residential character, the architectural integrity, and the historical beauty of this landmark designated district in New York City. We work together as neighbors, with help from local city and state officials and other community groups, to maintain the safety and beauty of our neighborhood and to prevent or correct any violations, should they occur. We seek to preserve the classification of our streets as “residential” on the Zoning Map of the City of New York. To seamlessly benefit all members of the Association and to maintain a safe and beautiful environment for all, we employ or aid in the employment of professional services. All of the neighborhood association’s work is done in an effort to promote the well-being and cohesiveness of our community.
The Treadwell Farm Historic District Association is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Tax ID#13-3362986.